Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Capital, we are coming—

because Paleozoic flora and fauna
did not die so condensate
could liquefy their remains
in rupturing pipelines

because these rivers have
directions of their own to follow
as they wander towards the
seas they began in

because a spirit bear once stopped
on the highway somewhere
between Terrace and Prince Rupert
and casually watched my car pass
as though I were the ghost
in the machine of its forest

because the Haida have paddled
these waters so long their island
is a shell of first peoples
and ravens are not made of bitumen

because the oil companies
don’t get to purchase the future
of every living thing yet to be born
yet to breathe in the atmosphere
yet to tumble into a stream

because governments were built
to be surrounded by the people
who came up with the idea
of governments in the first place
knocking them down
where they once put them up