Saturday, October 13, 2012


If we are like I am
which is temporary
which is often confused
which is folded
which is an array
which is hoping
which is under weathers
which is branching
which is self-inflicting
which is beholden
which is overflowing
which is a sad consumer

And if I am like we are
which is pointillist
which is echolocating
which is non-unionized but organizing
which is near spent fuel rods
which watches ducks and orcas
which puts the pedal to the metal
which is complex and contradictory
which is non-violent but gets angry
which sports various gadgetry
which is bullshit as we all know
which is our only hope

Then open every door and window
storm streets and seats of bad government
and lead by following in the defence
of the laws of mother earth

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