Monday, October 8, 2012


Curious the resurrection
of bud burst and stem
in the round of seasons
I cannot help but watch
the sea water rise
and fall the harbor fill
and empty with the passage
of tankers which seem
to murmur the strange
psalms of capital as they
pass beneath the Lion’s Gate
and the lilacs might still
be blooming in the dooryards
of Delta where long trains of
containers snake to other deaths
less dramatic than pipelines
or tankers three times the size
of the Exxon Valdez its
honeysuckle heart the
rusting steel dream of
production’s fraught desire O
defenders of this long paddled
coast—beware this compost
of mind and matter this liberal
western ghost of soft change
soft rioting—behold as the
death we sought to thwart
arrives by other means
at the door of our endlessly
unconscious and unquenchable homes

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